Practical Nursing


Students in practical nursing study basic nursing skills and such related subjects as body structure and function in wellness and illness, nutrition, pharmacology, obstetrics, and psychology.  The clinical experience provides supervised nursing care of medical, surgical, obstetric, and pediatric patients. Both classroom work and clinical experiences are such that upon completion of the course, the graduate is eligible for written examination by the State Board of Nursing.  Licensed practical nurses, who have passed their examination, usually work under the supervision of the registered nurse, physician, or dentist.

Students who successfully complete the first term will have earned the nursing assistant certificate as those competencies are mastered throughout the first term of the practical nursing program.  Students who receive the nursing assistant certificate may sit for licensure with the state of Tennessee for Board certification.










Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length
Clock Hours 1,296
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $4,419.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $1,900.00

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Nursing Assistant432Certificate
Practical Nurse1296Diploma

Those interested in seeking admission to the Practical Nursing Program at Tennessee College of Applied Technology Hartsville MUST first successfully pass the HESI exam. The cost is $50 The test is scheduled to be given at various times.

NOTE: This is a timed exam. There is 2.5 hours for the exam. Please arrive 15-30 minutes early to prepare.

To schedule the HESI exam, please contact Susan McDonald at 615-374-2147 Ext 110

For math and reading practice test questions, please visit

Deadline for HESI:

September Cohort (Lebanon) June 2, 2025 

January Cohort (Hartsville) October 20, 2025

Applicants must submit a Fall 2025 online application for the Lebanon Campus, provide passing HESI scores, and complete the necessary documentation in the PN packet.

Appllicants must submit a Spring 2026 application for the Hartsville Campus, provide passing HESI scores, and complete the necessary documentation in the PN packet.

If you have any questions, please call Student Services at 615-374-2147 Ext 128


Campus Locations

Wilson County Campus
415 Tennessee Blvd
Lebanon, TN 37087
Main Campus
716 McMurry Blvd East
Hartsville, TN 37074


First Trimester: 
LPN 0001 Worker Characteristic
LPN 1010 Basic Nursing Principles
LPN 1020 Fundamentals of Nursing
LPN 1030 Administer of Medication & Basic IV Theory
LPN 1040 Anatomy & Physiology
LPN 1050 Clinical I
Second Trimester: 
LPN 0002 Worker Characteristic
LPN 2010 Pharmacology I
LPN 2020 Mental Health
LPN 2030 Medical & Surgical Nursing I
LPN 2040 Maternity Health
LPN 2050 Clinical 2
Third Trimester: 
LPN 0003 Worker Characteristic
LPN 3010 Clinical 3
LPN 3020 Advanced Professional Vocational Relations
LPN 3030 Pediatric Nursing
LPN 3040 Pharmacology 2
LPN 3050 Medical & Surgical Nursing 2


Tennessee Board of Nursing – Approved

Books and Supplies Lists


Tamera Gulley
Earl Scruggs
615-374-2147 x127
Lou Ann Hall
615-374-2147 x117
Paige Harrelson
615-547-1128 ext 203
Kristen Cassidy
615-547-1128 Ext. 212

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