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Thank you for your interest in the Practical Nursing (PN) Program. Our mission is to be the premier provider of workFORCE development training for Macon, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, and Wilson counties. I would like to explain to you a few specifics about the Program.
To apply for the Program, a potential applicant must first successfully pass the HESI Exam. This exam is offered at our college at various times each month at a cost of $40.00. The HESI consists of two basic units: reading comprehension, and mathematics. Both (math and reading) units must be simultaneously passed. Exam scores are kept on file and are valid for two (2) years. The passing score is 70%. Transfer HESI scores are acceptable, provided they meet stated criteria. Registration for the HESI is on the reverse side of this letter.
Potential applicants passing the HESI will be given an application packet. The packet includes a request for a high school transcript/GED equivalency, forms of recommendation, completion of a school application as well as a program application, essay, physical job requirements, MMR and Varicella (Chicken Pox) immunizations, financial aid application, and photo ID. Application packets must be returned by a date specified by the Coordinator of Student Services. Returned application packets will be reviewed for completeness and eligible applicants will be contacted with further instructions. Following the selection process, a class will be selected to begin training. The Tennessee Board of Regents which regulates all Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology has mandated that all incoming practical nursing students be required to complete a background check. The cost will be incurred by the student.