Applying to a TCAT
Find A Program
Review the programs of study and any program-specific admission requirements.
Financial Aid
Complete the FAFSA to apply for the Pell grant, TN Promise scholarship, the TN Reconnect and the Wilder-Naifeh Technical Skills Grant.
Admissions Contacts
Student Services Office
716 McMurry Blvd East
Hartsville, TN 37074
Student Affairs Coordinator: Kandra Hire Ext.128
General Admission Requirements
- Program enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis by date of completed application. (A completed application includes all items required for enrollment.)
- Persons seeking admission to a college must be at least 18 years of age or have a high school diploma or equivalent. For full-time programs, the applicant must declare an occupational objective and demonstrate reasonable potential for achieving that objective.
- All persons who are required to register for the Federal Draft under 50 U.S.C. App. Section 453 are not eligible to enroll in any post-secondary school until they have registered with selective service.
View the Full Admissions Policy
Program-Specific Admission Requirements
Educational and admission requirements vary from program to program.
Practical Nursing
Those interested in seeking admission to the Practical Nursing Program at Tennessee College of Applied Technology Hartsville MUST first successfully pass the HESI exam. The cost is $50 The test is scheduled to be given at various times.
NOTE: This is a timed exam. There is 2.5 hours for the exam. Please arrive 15-30 minutes early to prepare.
To schedule the HESI exam, please contact Susan McDonald at 615-374-2147 Ext 110
For math and reading practice test questions, please visit
Deadline for HESI:
September Cohort (Lebanon) June 2, 2025
January Cohort (Hartsville) October 20, 2025
Applicants must submit a Fall 2025 online application for the Lebanon Campus, provide passing HESI scores, and complete the necessary documentation in the PN packet.
Appllicants must submit a Spring 2026 application for the Hartsville Campus, provide passing HESI scores, and complete the necessary documentation in the PN packet.
If you have any questions, please call Student Services at 615-374-2147 Ext 128