It is a viloation of TCAT Hartsville policy to install school purchased software on any personal computer other than those for which the software was explicitly purchased. The reproduction or burning of software that is protected by copyright law is strictly prohibited. It is a violation of school policy for students to access or attempt to access school files either electronically or by conventional means. School files include student data files, personnel files, instructor test items, and other course information. It is a violation of school policy to install or run personal (not purchased by the school) software on your assigned computer unless you have explicit permission from your instructor. This includes software located on a USB/Flash Drive. Limit web sources to those that have information relevant to your program area. Avoid sites which are sexually explicit, advocate violence, detail information concerning the manufacture of any illegal matertial, apparatus, or firearm. Use common sense. If any student action or process is in violation of existing copyrigth law(s) or state or federal policy law(s), it is automatically a violation of school policy. Please refer to the student handbook for more policy information.